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Rainbow Railroad

In countries around the world, LGBTQI+ people face violence and oppression simply because of who they love or who they are

Rainbow Railroad

Cause Impact

Your donations help save LGBT people's lives

About the Cause

Rainbow Railroad was founded in 2006 as a volunteer-run organisation by a diverse group of LGBTQI+ activists and human rights defenders who wanted to do more to address the levels of violence LGBTQI+ people face worldwide. Rainbow Railroad name harkens back to the Underground Railroad – a network of activists in the 19th century, who assisted Black folks escape enslavement in the American South.

Rainbow Railroad scaled up its operations after receiving charitable status in Canada and the United States in 2013 and 2015 respectively.

Today, Rainbow Railroad is a global not-for-profit organisation that helps LGTBQI+ people facing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. In a time when there are more displaced people than ever before, LGBTQI+ people are uniquely vulnerable due to systemic, state-enabled homophobia and transphobia. These factors either displace them in their own country or prevent them from escaping harm.

As a result of Rainbow Railroad, more LGBTQI+ individuals will be able to access lives free from persecution.

Since their founding, we’ve helped over 1,600 LGBTQI+ individuals find safety through emergency relocation and other forms of assistance. Rainbow Railroad story has received international media attention, including a feature on CBS 60 Minutes.

Rainbow Railroad works in all regions around the world. Our work is completed in partnership with a global network of activists and human rights defenders advocating for LGBTQI+ rights in countries around the world. You can support them by donating to Rainbow Railroad causes via pledger.

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