The Dashboard
Once you've gone past Go Live, the last step of On Boarding, you will be redirected to the Analytics Dashboard. You can change Virtue settings by navigating to the right set up screens via the menu on the left hand side. The Dashboard is also where you'll find data insights about the impact of your giving on your sales and the world.
Using the Date filter
Select date range that you want to see the data for. The date filter is top right of the Dashboard page.
Store Donations Total
Total donated to your Causes by store giving
Customer Donations Total
Total donated to your Causes by customers
Total Orders with Donation
The number of orders that contained at least 1 product eligible for donations.
% Orders with Donation
This is the percentage of all orders where at least one product was eligible for a donation.
Total impact on your causes from both store and customer donations.
Average Order Value Graph
Shows the daily average of all orders with vs without donations. An order with a donation is an order where at least one product was eligible for a donation.
Total Donations Graph
Total donated to each cause by date. Click on donation type to exclude/include it in the graph.
Orders with Causes Graph
The number of orders where at least 1 Virtue product was present, split by date. Click on donation type to exclude/include it in the graph.
Can't find answers in support documentation? We would love to help you get started with Virtue. Flick us an email to support@virtueimpact.com or use Chat (bottom right) to get hold of support.